
Castle Cookers serve up fellowship, camaraderie with BBQ at Memphis in May
Recognized by USAToday as the “Most Prestigious Barbecue Contest,” the four-day Memphis in May World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest (WCBCC) took place from May 12th through the 14th this year. The Memphis District has been competing in this barbeque contest for years, with the Castle Cookers first participating in the WCBCC in 1991 as the Pork Barrel Barbecuers. This year made year 31, with the team for the Memphis District Corps of Engineers comprising of workers from all parts of the district. Memphis District Castle Cookers this year were: Program Analysis Officer Jennifer Thomas, Program Analyst Sara Waterbury, Program Analyst David Alverez, Outreach Coordinator Brian Schneider (Tomato Sauce and Poultry entries), Work for Others Technical Manager Jordan Bledsoe, Civil Engineer Morgan Cowles (Seafood entry), and Survey Boat Operator Brian Schafer (Crawfish).

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Photo by: Vance Harris |  VIRIN: 220514-A-QE391-1004.JPG