Importance: This project would restore aquatic and floodplain habitat along a 20-mile corridor from Reelfoot Lake and Lake Isom National Wildlife Refuge to the Obion River. The National Park Service lists Reelfoot Lake as a Threatened National Natural Landmark. There are two National Wildlife Refuges adjacent to the proposed study area. The lake is home to a large wintering population of bald eagles and is a significant stopover for many species of waterfowl along the Mississippi Flyway.
Risk: Running Reelfoot Bayou will continue to degrade and habitat will not improve without a project. Downstream flooding will also continue and may increase.
Consequence: If a project were not implemented, the nation would miss the opportunity to improve the ecosystem in a unique corridor connecting the Mississippi River to Reelfoot Lake. Flood damages to agricultural cropland will also continue.
Activities for FY 21: Initiate the study and sign the Feasibility Study Cost Sharing Agreement and begin coordination with other federal agencies and stakeholders.
Project Sponsor: West Tennessee River Basin Authority (WTRBA).
Congressional Interest: Senate Blackburn and Hagerty (TN). House: Kustoff (TN-08)