Welcome to the USACE Memphis District

Office of Small Business Programs


Supporting Your Success in USACE Memphis Contracts


Your journey to partner with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District (MVM) starts here.

Discover how MVM’s Office of Small Business Programs can help your business grow while serving the nation’s infrastructure needs.


Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA)

What is SBREFA?

The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act (SBREFA) is designed to assist small businesses in understanding federal regulations and compliance requirements. It aims to promote fair treatment of small businesses by federal agencies and provides resources to help navigate the regulatory landscape.

Summary of SBREFA

Small Business Events

Mission & Vision Statements

Memphis District OSBP Vision Statement: To be a leader in Small Business utilization for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Memphis District OSBP Mission Statement: To locate, promote, and develop Small Businesses to the fullest extent possible in support of the Memphis District mission.

Small Business Mission

The USACE Memphis District maintains an Office of Small Business Programs to provide guidance to those who are interested in competing for federal contracts and whose businesses meet certain size and revenue requirements.  The Memphis District Office of Small Business Programs is located at the Odell Horton Federal Building in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, delivers flood risk management, navigation, environmental stewardship, emergency operations, other authorized civil works, and work for others to benefit the region and the Nation.

Small Business Contact Info

Sherrie Cordi
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District
Deputy, Office of Small Business Programs
Contact Information:
Office: (901) 544-4520
Cell: (901) 568-0614 (call or text)
Capability Meetings Contact Info: