All projects in this program include a feasibility phase and an implementation phase. Planning activities, such as development of alternative plans to achieve the project goals, initial design and cost estimating, environmental analyses, and real estate evaluations, are performed during the feasibility phase, to develop enough information to decide whether to implement the project. The feasibility phase is initially Federally funded up to $100,000. Any remaining feasibility phase costs are shared 50/50 with the non-Federal sponsor after executing a feasibility cost sharing agreement (FCSA). The final design, preparation of contract plans and specifications, permitting, real estate acquisition, project contracting and construction, and any other activities required to construct or implement the approved project are completed during the implementation phase. The Corps and the non-federal sponsor sign a project partnership agreement (PPA) near the beginning of the implementation phase. Costs beyond the feasibility phase are shared as specified in the authorizing legislation for that section. For more information, contact our Outreach Coordinator Brian Schneider at
The table below lists the CAP authorities and their project purposes.
Section 14, Flood Control Act of 1946, as amended
Streambank and shoreline erosion protection of public works and non-profit public services
Section 103, River and Harbor Act of 1962, as amended (amends Public Law 79-727)
Beach erosion and hurricane and storm damage reduction
Section 107, River and Harbor Act of 1960, as amended
Navigation improvements
Section 111, River and Harbor Act of 1968, as amended
Shore damage prevention or mitigation caused by Federal navigation projects
Section 204, Water Resources Development Act of 1992, as amended
Beneficial uses of dredged material
Section 205, Flood Control Act of 1948, as amended
Flood control
Section 206, Water Resources Development Act of 1996, as amended
Aquatic ecosystem restoration
Section 208, Flood Control Act of 1954, as amended (amends Section 2, Flood Control Act of August 28, 1937)
Removal of obstructions, clearing channels for flood control
Section 1135, Water Resources Development Act of 1986, as amended
Project modifications for improvement of the environment