
Environmental Mission

Preservation and maintenance of wetlands and natural habitats are priorities during the planning and construction phases of all new projects. The District works closely with other environmental and regulatory agencies to protect existing natural resources, cultural assets, historic sites, and endangered species. The District administers Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act and offers expert underground storage tank removal to other Federal agencies. We are active in the Partner's for Environmental Progress Program and are currently assisting the State of Arkansas with groundwater preservation and environmental enhancement.

Memphis Environmental Stories

Memphis Environmental Videos

Cleanup & Protection Activities

The Corps manages, designs and executes a full range of cleanup and protection activities, such as:

  • NEPA Compliance 
  • Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys 
  • Endangered Species Act Compliance
  • Phase 1 HTRW Assessments 
  • Wetland Evaluations 
  • Habitat Assessments 
  • Cultural Resources Surveys
  • Tribal Coordination