Sawser takes command of USACE Memphis District
Memphis District leadership and Mississippi Valley Division Commander Diana Holland participate in the passing of the colors. Memphis District Deputy Commander Lt. Col. Robert Green passes the Memphis District Colors to Mississippi Valley Division Commander Maj. Gen. Diana M. Holland (center-left). Memphis District Commander Col. Brian D. Sawser (far left) will then receive the colors from Gen. Holland, which symbolizes the official assumption of command from Lt. Col. Robert W. Green (far right). The passing of the colors symbolizes the transfer of authority to the incoming commander. Because of the reverence the commanders feel toward the colors, it is kept over their heart during the transfer. The passing of the colors demonstrates to the Soldiers and Civilians of the organization that the old commander has passed the mantle of leadership to the new commander, and with this, also passes the loyalty of the workforce to their new commander. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is a unique organization that has a rich partnership between its military and civilian team members, therefore, we have chosen our Deputy District Engineer for Programs and Project Management – Mr. Donny Davidson (center left) – for this honor. As the senior civilian member of the Memphis District, it is appropriate that he represents all employees of the district. Mr. Davidson passes the flag to the outgoing commander and finally receives it from the incoming commander at the conclusion.