Statement by Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works on the President’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget
The Biden-Harris Administration today released the President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2025. Following historic progress made under the President’s leadership—with over 14 million jobs added since the President took office and inflation down two-thirds from its peak—the Budget protects and builds on this progress with proposals for responsible, pro-growth investments in America and the American people. The President’s Budget will lower costs for the American people, protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare, secure Americans at home and abroad, and reduce the deficit by ensuring the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share. “The Army Civil Works FY 2025 Budget demonstrates this Administration’s ongoing commitment to funding the construction of crucial infrastructure projects across the nation that will strengthen our economy, protect people and property, and restore key ecosystems. This budget provides $79 million for research and development to spur innovation, ensuring we improve our capabilities to assess risk and aggressively confront water resource challenges. This Budget also delivers on the President’s commitments to tackle climate change and promote equity for Tribal Nations and marginalized and rural communities,” said Michael Connor, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works. The Budget makes critical investments in the American people that will promote greater prosperity for decades to come. The Budget invests in the development, management, restoration, and protection of the nation's water, wetlands, and related resources through studies, construction and operation and maintenance of projects, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regulatory program, and emergency response.