
USACE DPMs gather for semi-annual forum in Memphis, Tennessee
With the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Memphis District hosting the most recent in-person conference, the entire team of Deputy District Engineers for Programs and Project Management (DPMs) traveled to Memphis, Tennessee, where they met for their semi-annual DPM Forum, which began April 30 and concluded on May 2.  The forum’s primary responsibilities are to influence and inform policy and to provide senior leadership with recommendations and actions for improvement for implementing enterprise wide. The DPM Forum was established in 2015 after USACE Senior Leaders recognized the need for a senior leader body to act as voice for the workforce. It was also crucial that this body have a level of continuity and a real-time field perspective at the district level. The forum has achieved many great milestones since its inception, some of which include creating a TEAMS site to facilitate regular, year-round communication and collaboration, and establishing another online meeting space called "Happy Hour" where DPMs can share best practices, advance networking opportunities, and elevate any problems and/or solutions within their community of practice. With an online worksite like TEAMS ensuring teamwork all year long, the DPM Forum supplements their virtual productivity with semi-annual, face-to-face meetings as well. These meeting are reserved for tackling the past year's challenges and developing strategies to best move the organization forward.