Dive Photos

Scientific Diving

Memphis District Dive Team Capabilities

The Memphis District has a team of scientific divers experienced in qualitative and quantitative freshwater mussel surveys and aquatic habitat investigations. The team has conducted surveys in large and small rivers and various aquatic habitats throughout the country. The dive team uses surface supplied air (SSA) or SCUBA operations, often in zero visibility, to survey for threatened and endangered freshwater mussels and other aquatic organisms. The dive team has the ability to work in a variety of environmental conditions, including cold weather or degraded aquatic environments. The Memphis District Dive Team has completed and maintains proficiency in: USACE Working Diver certification program, Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries, Advanced Oxygen First Aid for Scuba Diving Injuries, On-site Neurological Assessment for Divers Course, Adult AED/CPR, and is versed in the USACE Safety and Health Requirements Manual, EM 385-1-1. Although the team is primarily focused on scientific diving missions, they occasionally perform small construction or repair dives and have experience in performing dive inspections for Contractor diving operations.

The Memphis District Dive Team can offer a quick response time and can shepherd a project from “cradle to the grave.” For example, they can often schedule and complete smaller surveys within a week’s time (depending on distance, weather, and other environmental factors). As biologists, they can perform data analysis, generate survey reports, as well as all of the required Endangered Species Act and NEPA documentation a project may require, in a timely fashion, thereby reducing potential work stoppage or missed construction windows. If you would like to learn more or are interested in using the capabilities of the Memphis District Dive Team, please call 901-544-0670.


Contact Information

Memphis District Dive Team
(901) 544-0670