Location and Description: The White River Basin comprises approximately 28,000 square miles in northeastern Arkansas and southern Missouri. The basin contains five large multi-purpose reservoirs and one reservoir primarily for flood control; over 150 miles of flood control levees along the White River and its tributaries; 2 major national wildlife refuges; and the largest remaining concentration of seasonally flooded bottomland hardwoods in the Mississippi Valley. The study will identify water resources needs and opportunities. Potential study outputs address water resources needs for water supply, flood control, waste water management, navigation, recreation, power generation, and other water resources related needs identified in the comprehensive study.
Local Interest/Sponsor: Cost-sharing sponsors include the AR Natural Resources Commission, AR Game and Fish Commission, Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission, Arkansas Waterways Commission, Missouri Department of Conservation, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, and The Nature Conservancy.
Authority: WRDA 86, Section 729; WRDA 2000 established the cost sharing of Section 729 studies at 50 % Federal/50% non-Federal, half of which can be in-kind services and increased the authorization ceiling from $5,000,000 to $15,000,000. WRDA 2007, Sec. 2010 modified the cost sharing to 75% Federal/25%non-Federal, 100% of which can be in-kind services.