PURPOSE: These instructions are intended for use by the Commander or his designee to activate special reporting instructions to all Memphis District employees in the event of a winter storm or other special weather related event.
CONCEPT: The WISE plan for the Memphis District will rely on notification of all employees by posting special reporting instructions on both a toll free phone number and on a special page on the publicly accessible MVM Internet web site.
This will also serve as notification to our customers as to operating status of the District.
All employees or customers will be instructed to dial one of the following numbers for reporting conditions:
- (866) 206-5309 - toll free access
- (901) 544-3448 - local access
Please check the status of the Memphis District by calling one of the telephone numbers above, or via the District's Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/MemphisUSACE or Twitter feed http://twitter.com/MemphisDistrict