Wynne Area Office Administrative Support Assistant Romona Oring is the Memphis District Employee of the Month for October. District Commander Col. Zachary Miller traveled to the Area Office to personally present Oring with a special certificate and an on-the-spot cash award on Nov. 1.
The award certificate stated that in addition to performing her regular duties at the area office, “… she also did a stellar job providing support to the Construction Branch and Groundwater Security Office.”
Col. Miller noted Oring especially deserved the award since her co-workers nominated her for the honor.
“Her supervisors and co-workers credit her with providing exceptional staff support and keeping the office running smoothly by performing administrative tasks such as ensuring all timekeeping records were completed on time; managing assigned Government vehicles, employee overtime requests, and TDY travel vouchers; and assisting the Area Engineer with managing contractor performance evaluations,” the award certificate stated.
This was the first Employee of the Month recognition since the program was suspended several years ago. Here’s a rundown on the nomination and selection process.
Any employee can nominate someone for Employee of the Month. Send the nomination to the Deputy Commander, Lt. Col. Molica. The nomination will consist of the employee's name, section, and blurb (generally a paragraph write-up of 4-5 sentences) on their significant accomplishment that merits the award.
This applies to every employee in the District, regardless of location, grade, or anything else. The intent is that the time span for this award is for the previous month’s performance, but the nomination can include up to two to three months from the current month.
Selection Process: The senior chiefs, consisting of the Deputy District Engineer, Deputy Commander, Division Chiefs for Operations, Engineering & Construction, Resource Management, Contracting, and Office of Counsel (7 voting members), will rank order all candidates.
The overall highest ranked candidate will be nominated to the commander; however, the commander will make the final decision on the winner. If you have any questions, please contact Lt. Col. Molica directly.