News Story Manager

Archive: 2017
  • November

    Wilmington District dredge arrives in Memphis to get new lease on life

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dredge Merritt, homeported in the Corps’ Wilmington (North Carolina) District, arrived at Memphis District’s Ensley Engineer Yard today to undergo major maintenance to extend its service life. The vessel left Wilmington on Oct. 19 for the long voyage around the coast to Mobile, Ala., up the Tennessee–Tombigbee Waterway to the Ohio River and finally down the Mississippi River to Memphis.
  • July

    Wife, mother of six places first in bodybuilding competition

    She manages a household consisting of six young children and a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers husband, six budgerigar parakeets, five cats, and two Mexican Fox squirrels while successfully training and competing in bodybuilding competitions. When you add a toned muscular physique, strength, and steely discipline to the superpowers she already possesses as a mother and wife, Edna Boehmer is a real-life Wonder Woman. On May 6, Boehmer earned the first place trophy in the Masters over 35 Class-A bikini category of the 2017 National Physique Committee (NPC) Battle on the Bluff Bodybuilding Contest. She also took home the fifth-place trophy in the Bikini Novice Class-A category. The event took place at the Gold Strike Casino in Tunica, Miss. The NPC, started in 1982, is the premier amateur physique organization in the world.
  • Nearly century year old lock gates get a lift

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has a long history of building projects to last. But 95 years is asking a lot from any structure. So when it became necessary to replace some enormous steel gates that are part of an Inner Harbor Navigation Canal (IHNC) lock in the New Orleans District, the challenge was monumental. But Memphis District structural engineer Marneshia Richard proved she was up to the task when she was assigned a central role in the project.
  • Girdner wins prestigious engineer award

    On May 26, Girdner won the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Young Engineer of the Year award at age 27. She won this prestigious award because of work she is doing, both with the American Society of Civil Engineers and Engineers Without Borders (EWB).
  • June

    The Kansas Sports Hall of Fame welcomes Priscilla Gary Sweeney

    What do Legendary Major League Baseball star George Brett and our own District Contracting Officer, Priscilla Gary Sweeney have in common? They're both 2017 Inductees to the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame.
  • May

    Family discovers surprising connection to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    MEMPHIS, Tenn., May 16, 2017 - If you’ve ever researched your family’s history, you know that each uncovered fact enriches your family story. This is exactly what Mary Juliette Tiedgen and her daughter Karen Tiedgen experienced when, in 1996, they discovered their surprising family connection to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Memphis District. While doing genealogical research on the Rouse family, Karen Tiedgen discovered that the District’s Dry Dock Rouse is named after her great-grandfather, Capt. James Washington (J.W.) Rouse. Mary Tiedgen, 88, and her daughter visited the Memphis District’s Ensley Engineer Yard (EEY) on April 4 to see the Rouse. They traveled 750 miles from Norfolk, Neb., for the visit.
  • April

    Memphis Corps of Engineers selected as one of “Best Federal Places to Work”

    The Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has been nationally selected as one of the Best Places to Work in Federal government in the medium sized organizations category. Judging took place through the annual Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey that is administered by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.
  • Mekong meets Mississippi in Memphis

    Twelve members of the Mekong River Commission, headquartered in Vientiane, Laos, spent five days in the Lower Mississippi Valley sharing knowledge and learning from their counterparts on the Mississippi River Commission. They arrived in Memphis, Tenn., on April 2 and traveled from there to a variety of locations in the region. The two commissions formed a partnership in 2010 built around common interests in water resource development and management, and sharing of technical expertise and lessons learned.