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Thank you: Building a facility of hope

Published April 28, 2020

IN THE PHOTO, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller with a group of Memphis' alternate care facility workers after hanging a few of the 'thank you' posters his family and friends made for the construction team workers. If you would like to show your appreciation for these amazing workers, mail your posters to: U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis District,Attn: Public Affairs Office, 167 N. Main St., B-202, Memphis, TN 38103-894 (USACE photo by Vance Harris)


IN THE PHOTO, Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller gives a thumbs up as he hangs a few of the posters his family and friends made for the construction workers here at the alternate care facility. If you would like to show your appreciation for these amazing workers, mail your posters to: U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis District,Attn: Public Affairs Office, 167 N. Main St., B-202, Memphis, TN 38103-894 (USACE photo by Vance Harris)


IN THIS PHOTO, a few of the workers show their appreciation for the posters the Memphis District Commander, Col. Zachary Miller, just hung up in the worker's entryway. If you would like to show your appreciation for these amazing workers, mail your posters to: U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis District,Attn: Public Affairs Office, 167 N. Main St., B-202, Memphis, TN 38103-894 (USACE photo by Vance Harris)

This pandemic has caused a lot of negativity and pain. It's hurt our economy and frustrated many. But something else happened too; people pulled together and did what they had to do to survive.

Medical professionals started researching the second they heard about this virus. World leaders started working with each other the best they could to keep the virus from spreading.

Now, we have teams made up of construction workers, welders, painters, carpenters, low voltage technicians, heavy machinery operators, nurses, doctors, engineers, contract specialists; the list goes on and on.

The team of people building a facility made to care for people who contract the COVID-19 virus are working around the clock to make sure that if our local hospitals can't handle the caseload at that time, no one gets turned away.

We want to thank all of our workers out there making this alternate care center a reality. No matter what part of the team a worker is on, each is important and contributes invaluable knowledge and skill to this facility of hope and care.

Our Memphis District Commander, Col. Zachary Miller and his family and friends wanted to thank everyone involved in creating and building this masterpiece of an alternate care facility, and so they made a couple 'thank you posters' to tape up around the entrance of the facility.

It's a small piece of paper but a grand gesture of thanks, and the workers seemed to be beyond grateful for the signs when he put them up Tuesday afternoon.

If you would like to show your appreciation for our more than 500 person team building this facility of hope, you can make a thank you sign and send it to:

U.S Army Corps of Engineers, Memphis District

Attn: Public Affairs Office

167 N. Main St., B-202

Memphis, TN 38103-1894

Or, if you'd rather virtually share your thanks, you can always make a sign, take a picture with your sign, and then email it to us at We appreciate your support, Memphis. As always, stay safe, and stay strong.