The Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, district leadership, and members of the Project Delivery Team gathered on the Mississippi Riverbanks in Arkansas for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the completion of a bank armoring project, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021.
The celebrated project was a task order in Crittenden County, Arkansas, which was awarded to Midwest Construction in the amount of $984,000.
Construction consisted of placing 32,000 tons of riprap along the Mississippi Riverbanks to armor the Arkansas bank underneath three bridges along Interstate-55: Harahan, Frisco, and Memphis-Arkansas.
"The Memphis District is responsible for maintaining a safe and dependable Mississippi River navigation channel at all times and for all river stages," Project Manager Brian Schneider said. "This riverbank armoring improvement project was necessary to extend the existing revetment downstream to protect eroding, over-steepened banks and foundations underneath the Harahan, Frisco, and Memphis-Arkansas (I-55) Bridges."
The contractor completed all work in just three months late last year.
Project Delivery Team members included: Project Manager Mark Mazzone; Technical Lead Preston Snyder; River Engineering Team: Cole Stonebrook, Jennifer Redden, Landon Mills, John Zacher, Mark Manning, and Gibb McGowan; Geotechnical Engineering - Chip Newman; Environmental (Biologist) Mike Thron and (District Archeologist) Pam Lieb; Cost Engineer Conrad Stacks; Office of Counsel - Ned McNaughton; Contracting - Judy Stallion and Steven Austin; Administrative Contracting Officer - Loy Hamilton (Wynne Area Office); Contracting Officer's Representative - Gene McAvoy (Wynne Area Office); Quality Assurance Representative - Steven Southern (Wynne Area Office).
Congratulations to the entire team on this outstanding achievement.