Congratulations to Operations Project Manager Vickie Watson on her selection as Memphis District Employee of the Month!
Watson is credited for being proactive and coordinating with all 10 harbors and port authorities within the Memphis District’s area of responsibility (AOR), including key tenants at harbors as well as the U.S. Coast Guard, during the recent/ongoing low water conditions.
Additionally, Watson participated in Regional Shallow Draft Dredging conference calls and routinely coordinated within MVM and MVD. In doing so, she kept MVM abreast of navigation requirements and situations at all MVM harbors. This also allowed for better decision-making related to harbor dredging.
Additionally, she coordinated with Programs and Contracting to ensure funding and contract capability if additional funding or dredging were/are required.
Vickie is truly deserving of recognition was the Employee of the Month and this district is so lucky to have her on its team.