With December’s Employee of the Month selection, the script is sort of flipped with the “Recognizer-in-Chief” being recognized! Congratulations to Jessica Haas on her well-earned recognition as Memphis District’s Employee of the Month for December 2022!
Being that our District is chock-full of superstars doing awesome things, Jessica stays busy taking pictures and doing write-ups on the many awards and honors earned by her district teammates. When the Memphis District is covered in the news for delivering great value for the Region and Nation, Jessica is often the person behind the scenes orchestrating the coverage. When one of her teammates is doing an on-camera interview, Jessica is present just off-camera facilitating the interview, providing assurance, and making sure everything goes well.
As the citation, written by her Employee of the Month nominator, reads:
"Jessica has always been a presence and fixture of the district team covering everything going on in the district and keeping many lines of information open for all the employees and leadership. Jessica has always tried to highlight all of the hardworking employees and capture their efforts to share and acknowledge. Recently, Jessica has stepped up and is more proactive and getting out every chance to cover as much as she can, even doing regular weekly visits to Ensley Engineer Yard. Not only is Jessica doing the leg work, but she also always strives to get the correct information she's presenting. She will ask lots of questions to understand what is going on before sharing. Jessica will also work late without complaint and even reach out to people who are most knowledgeable, making sure everything is correct. Jessica always brings a lot of fun and positive energy with her and is genuinely excited to cover all the people working towards the district’s mission. Without Jessica, a lot of the people would not be highlighted because they are too busy and focused on his/her task at hand. She should be recognized for this effort and her recent efforts going above and beyond.”
Jessica is the principal writer in the Public Affairs Office. She writes about everything from the Memphis District reaching important project milestones to the Dredge Hurley crew out working during the cold Christmas Holidays. She is also our extraordinary website and social media manager who has the Memphis District positioned number one in MVD for the most followers.
You would expect all that’s been mentioned about what Jessica does is hard work and it is. However, if you ask her about it, you’ll get a different perspective.
"I'm the lucky one here," Haas explains. "When you love what you do, it isn’t work anymore. It’s an honor to be around and interact with such a talented team of professionals every day. If this is a dream, I never want to wake up."
Again, CONGRATULATIONS, Jessica! Thanks for all you do for the Memphis District!