Congratulations to Mr. Jack Ratliff on his recent selection as January 2023 Employee of the Month.
Nominated by three separate district employees/offices, Ratliff is ultimately commended for embracing his new position as the Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) of the Groundwater Security Office since rejoining the Memphis District from the Little Rock District approximately four months ago.
In his new role, Jack administers several of the construction aspects for the Bayou Meto and Grand Prairie Groundwater Demonstration Projects. In doing so, he embodies selfless service, working tirelessly and even through the holiday season, to best position the projects and district for success.
He also worked hard to manage a behind-schedule project while coordinating with district staff, contractor personnel, and Memphis District project partners. Ratliff’s daily reporting far exceeds expectations as well, with detailed progress reviews, weather forecasts, and project-related photos keeping everyone involved up to date on the status of the contract.
In addition to Ratliff’s primary responsibilities; he’s also, very importantly, a project liaison. As liaison, he facilitates project coordination and contract progress communications between the sponsor, underlying landowners, the contractor, and the district.
These responsibilities were not enough for Ratliff, obviously, as he executed everything noted above all while closing out several other projects, including USACE’s Hurricane Ida emergency response efforts, one of many disaster recovery missions Ratliff has supported over the course of his 25-year career with USACE.
Congratulations to Mr. Jack Ratliff. Your dedication and exceptional work performance are key contributors to successful mission execution. The Corps of Engineers Memphis District values you, your time, your above and beyond efforts, and the commitment you’ve displayed since day one; for all this and so much more, the Memphis District applauds you and thanks you, for all you’ve done, all you do, and all you will do, for this very important Memphis District mission.