The Memphis District continues its 141-year 'winning' tradition of safely delivering quality projects on time and within budget by recently awarding two separate contracts for Mississippi River dike repair and construction projects.
Stewart Towhead Dikes Construction and Extension
This $3,875,800 contract was awarded to Luhr-Crosby, LLC and funded by the Disaster Relief Supplemental Act of 2022. The project will place approximately 110,000 tons of Graded Stone A to extend one existing stone dike and construct one new trail dike to improve the navigation channel in this reach of the Mississippi River which has experienced a shoal during low water conditions in the past few years.
Dike Stone Repairs
This $2,520,000 contract was awarded to Midwest Construction Company and funded by the FY23 President’s Budget. The project places approximately 67,000 tons of Graded Stone A to repair and restore multiple existing stone dikes to their design grade and section as originally constructed. Work will be performed at multiple locations along the Mississippi River to include River Miles 720R and 626L.
Project Partner
The Memphis District selected commercial towing interest represented by the Lower Mississippi River Committee as project partner for both projects.
Memphis District is responsible for maintaining a safe and dependable navigation channel for 355 miles of the Mississippi River from Cairo, Illinois, to the mouth of the White River near Rosedale, Mississippi, through the construction of revetments, dikes, construction dredging, and other structures. In wide reaches of the river, dikes are used to contract the channel width to produce a single efficient channel for navigation, to reduce the need for repetitive dredging, and to ensure the flood carrying capacity of the river.