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Memphis District appoints new engineering and construction division chief

Published July 29, 2024
IN THE PHOTO, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District promoted Shane Callahan, pictured above, to the engineering and construction division chief role. 

In this role, he is responsible for flood risk management, engineering and construction, navigation, ecosystem restoration, and water supply projects within the Memphis District's boundaries, including portions of Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky. (USACE photo by VI Specialist Vance Harris)

IN THE PHOTO, The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District promoted Shane Callahan, pictured above, to the engineering and construction division chief role. In this role, he is responsible for flood risk management, engineering and construction, navigation, ecosystem restoration, and water supply projects within the Memphis District's boundaries, including portions of Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky. (USACE photo by VI Specialist Vance Harris)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District promoted Shane Callahan to the engineering and construction division chief role.

In this role, he is responsible for flood risk management, engineering and construction, navigation, ecosystem restoration, and water supply projects within the Memphis District's boundaries, including portions of Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, and Kentucky.

Callahan joined the Memphis District in 2000 as a geotechnical civil engineer. He's worked in various offices, including Geotechnical Engineering, Project Management, Design, and Construction Management. Callahan has worked on several construction projects within the Memphis District. Some of the more notable projects he's worked on include the Bayou Meto Basin Project, Grand Prairie Project, Fargo Moorhead Diversion Channel Project, Birds Point—New Madrid (BPNM) Levee Reconstruction Project, and the St. Francis and MRL Projects.

Beginning in 2006, Callahan has held pivotal leadership roles in the Memphis District, including chief of design branch, chief of civil design section, and chief of construction branch. In these roles, he has been instrumental in planning, coordinating, and overseeing technical design work for many of the district's construction projects.

Throughout his career, Callahan served in roles and missions that directly supported the country's needs, including the Mississippi Valley flood response efforts, power restoration in Puerto Rico, hurricane disaster response, and alternate care facility construction.  Finally, in 2021, Callahan served temporarily as the Middle East District's engineering division chief, where he was the district's senior technical engineering authority and advisor executing a $4 billion design and construction program. 

Callahan graduated from the University of Tennessee in 1996 with a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and then in 2005 from North Carolina State University with a master's degree in civil engineering. Callahan would also attain several more professional certifications throughout his career, including his Level 3 Acquisition Professional Facilities Engineer certification, a registered professional engineer in Tennessee, a project management professional, and a registered Army Acquisition Corps (AAC) member since 2019.

Congratulations to Callahan, his family, and his team, for all his efforts affording him this incredible opportunity and leadership position.