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Tag: St. Francis River
  • December

    Final ribbon-cuttings close out two-day celebration blitz

    To close out the two-day sprint across five states, the Memphis District held two final ribbon-cutting ceremonies on Nov. 18, 2021. Both events celebrated construction projects completed in Arkansas and Missouri.
  • March

    Ready to Advertise St. Francis Floodway Project

    In partnership with the Dunklin County Levee District Number 4, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District recently met a tasker “ready to advertise” milestone, ahead of schedule, for the St. Francis Floodway Blockage Project in Cardwell, Missouri, Feb. 17, 2021. As a result of the storms and resulting flood impact in this region, sedimentation and debris built up in drainage channels reduce the capacity to drain stormwater runoff adequately. The work associated with this project will increase the channel's capacity and reduce the chances of localized flooding, threatening property damage, and life safety.
  • May

    Fisk Scour Repair Project is Ready-to-Advertise

    Reaching a project milestone is the result of successive interim achievements along the way. Successive interim achievements have propelled the Fisk Scour Repair Project Delivery Team (PDT) to successfully reach its important Ready-to-Advertise milestone on May 15.