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Tag: Lower Mississippi River
  • November

    Piney Creek: Feasibility study complete, construction on horizon

    The Memphis District recently finalized the feasibility study phase of the Piney Creek Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Project. The study, conducted in accordance with Section 206 of the Water Resources Development Act of 1996, identified and evaluated alternatives in a decision document that recommended a coordinated and implementable solution for restoring aquatic ecosystem of Piney Creek.
  • Dredge Hurley returns after completing impressive season

    The Memphis District’s Dredge Hurley was welcomed home after returning to its home port, Ensley Engineer Yard in Memphis Harbor, Sunday morning, Nov. 21. Their homecoming signifies the end of yet another highly productive dredging season. The Hurley started this season May 3. And in just over six months’ time, the crew dredged several hundred miles of the Lower Mississippi River.