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Tag: civil works
  • May

    Civil Works | Memphis District, civil work, winning for 142 years

    As the Memphis District joins in celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the USACE Civil Works Program, we’re reflecting on our contribution to the program.  The Memphis District as it exists today, is descended from several organizational units, extending over 142 years. The Mississippi River Commission (MRC) established the Little Rock River and Harbor Office in February 1881. That office assumed charge of improvements on the Arkansas, White and St. Francis rivers and tributaries. Most of this work involved removing snags and debris from channels. Some of these waterways would eventually be assigned to the Memphis District.
  • September

    System 12 Slope Flattening Project contract awarded

    Congratulations to the System 12 Slope Flattening Project Delivery Team for reaching its Contract Award milestone. The PDT awarded the contract to SYTE Corporation on September 22. The work consists of furnishing all plant, labor and materials for flattening the slope for a 5,700-foot section of levee by placement of compacted fill.
  • PDT awards drainage channel cleanout contract

    Congratulations to the Iron Mines Creek Channel Cleanout Project Delivery Team (PDT). The PDT recently reached its contract award milestone, awarding the contract to small business contractor Innovative Performance Construction. Work on the contract includes the cleanout of 3.9 miles of the Iron Mines Creek channel located in Marked Tree, Poinsett County, Arkansas.
  • District awards contract for Farrenburg Levee Phase 5 project

    Congratulations to the Farrenburg Levee Phase 5 Project Delivery Team (PDT) for advancing their project to the important Contract Award milestone. The team awarded the contract to VuCon, LLC. on August 30. Work the contractor will perform consists of replacing two culverts, which have reached their life expectancy,  that cross under the Farrenbeurg Levee, closing a gap in the levee and raising sections of the levee to the authorized grade. Drainage infrastructure like this is a vital part of the overall levee protection system.