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Tag: navigation
  • April

    Memphis-area dike construction complete, commercial towing industry to benefit immediately, long-term

    The Memphis District recently completed dike construction and maintenance at Coahoma-Armstrong near Memphis, Tennessee (MS River Mile 719), March 23, 2023. The project completion will result in long-term improvement of the navigation channel crossing in this reach of the river, which has historically been a low water problem spot for the commercial towing industry. The project was awarded as a task order through an existing Mississippi River Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) using a combination of Disaster Relief Supplemental Act of 2022 (DRSAA) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) funding.
  • March

    Memphis District’s annual Mississippi River Channel Improvement meeting a success

    Members of the Regional Channel Improvement (RCI) Team met in New Orleans, Louisiana, for their annual Mississippi River Channel Improvement meeting, Feb. 7 – 8, 2023 to discuss new channel improvement projects and other current channel improvement issues.
  • February

    Memphis District's Dredge Hurley returns home ending most productive, longest season on record

    The Memphis District’s Dredge Hurley returned to its home port, Ensley Engineer Yard in Memphis Harbor on Jan. 13, 2023, after finishing a record-breaking 273-day season, which began Apr. 26, 2022. In those eight and a half months, the 36-person crew dredged 14.5 million cubic yards of material, which is the most the Dredge Hurley has ever removed in a single season.
  • Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds awarded for vital New Madrid boat ramp repairs

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District awarded Graylee Construction and Demolition from Ward, Arkansas, a contract to rehabilitate and repair the New Madrid City Front Boat Ramp located on the Mississippi River at approximate River Mile 889. The city of New Madrid, Missouri, and St. John's Levee and Drainage District are partners on this vital project.
  • January

    $5.3M BIL-funded revetment project complete ahead of schedule

    A Memphis District Project Delivery Team recently completed a $5.3M Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)-funded revetment project in Bauxippi-Wyanoke, Arkansas. Work began in November last year when historic low water conditions and tow restrictions delayed much of the river industry’s transportation of goods. Despite these less-than-stellar conditions, the team completed construction ahead of schedule, finishing all work on Dec. 16, 2022.
  • September

    $11.8 million River Contract awarded, need for repetitive dredging decreased

    The Memphis District awarded a contract to perform dike construction and maintenance at Donaldson Point, near New Madrid, Missouri (River Mile 903),  Aug. 24, 2022.  The Corps is partnering with Commercial Towing Interests, represented by the Lower Mississippi River Committee (LOMRC), to execute this $11,809,760 funded project. “This work is needed in this reach of the river due to continued navigation concerns raised by towboat pilots during recent low water years," said Project Manager Zach Cook. "This area has also required repetitive dredging over the past few years as well.” The funds provided for the work are a combination of Disaster Relief Supplemental Act of 2022 (DRSAA) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) money allocated by Congress earlier this year.
  • June

    Keeping the river open for business, dredging contract awarded

    The Memphis District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for keeping the Mississippi River open for commercial navigation year-round. One way the district does this is through contract dredging, which keeps the river channel at a depth that allows the river barge industry to dependably transport goods up and down the river. Ensuring the district delivers on this charge, the Memphis District recently awarded a contract in the amount of $7,335,450 to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock, LLC for the rental of a 24-inch hydraulic cutterhead dredge, discharge pipe, and attendant plant. The contract was awarded June 2, 2022, with an anticipated completion date of Feb. 28, 2023.
  • February

    Employee Spotlight: Geographic Information Systems Specialist Lindsay Barrios

    This month, we’re featuring Geographic Information Systems Specialist Lindsay Barrios. Barrios was born and raised in Fort Payne, Alabama. After graduating from high school, she moved to Tennessee to study geology and geography at the University of Memphis. In February of 2018, Barrios officially became a member of the USACE Memphis District team. She said she was excited to work for the Corps for many reasons, which include the district’s mission as well as the leadership present throughout each of its offices.
  • March

    Revetment Team returns after historic season

    The Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Army (Civil Works) Vance Stewart and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations Maj. Gen. William (Butch) Graham visited the Memphis District last week. While visiting, they had the opportunity to welcome home and congratulate the Revetment Team after completing one of the district's longest seasons in history.
  • May

    Metal Shop makings...

    Navigation is one of our oldest missions. We’re mandated by Congress to keep the Mississippi River open for commercial navigation by maintaining a 9-foot-deep and 300-foot-wide channel, and we do that by dredging on an annual basis. So, as one might imagine, our dustpan dredge, the Hurley, gets used quite a bit keeping the Mississippi open, so our talented team at Ensley Engineer Yard have their work cut out for them keeping her running year after year. This brings us to the project Machinist Brandon Almeida is working on – it’s something the Dredge Hurley uses called “propeller rope guards.” He’s also making the mount needed to make the rope guards on – talk about complex work.
  • April

    $10M contract awarded for ACM casting

    The Memphis District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently awarded a $10 million contract for articulated concrete mattress (ACM) casting at Richardson Landing Casting Field to Mississippi Limestone Corporation from Friars Point, Mississippi.