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Corps of Engineers begins Phase II floodfight efforts in Memphis, West Memphis Areas

Published Feb. 26, 2019
MEMPHIS, Tenn., Feb. 26, 2019 – The Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) began Phase II floodfighting this morning in the Memphis and West Memphis areas due to high river stages on the Mississippi River.

A total of 17 USACE employees working in the Memphis and West Memphis area joined 34 employees already deployed to flooded areas to the north of here. These field personnel are conducting patrols each day from 6 a.m. until 6:30 p.m. checking the condition of levees, looking for potential problems like water seepage under levees. An additional 21 additional employees support them at the USACE Emergency Operations Center at the District Headquarters office in Memphis.

During a Phase II activation, USACE personnel intensively monitor government flood risk reduction works. They also provide technical assistance along with floodfight supplies and equipment to local communities and flood control organizations to aid them in their floodfighting efforts.

The USACE Division headquarters in Vicksburg, Miss, coordinates all floodfight activities in the Mississippi Valley. The USACE Emergency Operations Center in Memphis directs all floodfight activities in its area of responsibility in conjunction with the affected states, levee districts and other local interest groups.

The Federal flood protection works in the Mississippi Valley protect many thousands of homes, millions of lives and vast tracts of fertile cropland. The Memphis District’s flood risk reduction system has prevented more than $4.3 billion in flood damages and protected more than five million acres of cropland in the last decade alone.


Jim Pogue
(901) 544-4109
(901) 828-0152 (cell)
(901) 544-3360

Release no. UNRELEASED