MEMPHIS, Tenn., January 14, 2008 – The Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the
City of Germantown have initiated an emergency feasibility study to provide erosion protection for a
culvert and sewer line along a Wolf River tributary.
The tributary, named “Lateral D” and located in the vicinity of Farmington Road and Cameron
Brown Park, is causing erosion at the culvert under Farmington Road and at the sewer line crossing
downstream from Farmington Road. Memphis District is performing the study under Section 14 of the
Continuing Authorities Program – Emergency Streambank and Shoreline Protection.
The Section 14 Authority allows the Corps to develop protection for the two pieces of public
infrastructure jeopardized by the tributary erosion and the study is scheduled for completion by the end of 2008.
Release no. 08-01