MEMPHIS, Tenn., May 25, 2007 – Ken Bright, a Batesville resident, was presented with the
Engineer Regiment’s Bronze Order of the de Fleury Medal for his service to the Corps of Engineers and the Nation, most recently following two tours of duty in Iraq in direct support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom. He received the award at a town hall meeting in Memphis with his fellow Corps of Engineers
employees in attendance May 17.
“We are extremely proud of Ken and his commitment to our mission,” said Col. Charles O.
Smithers III, commander of the Corps’ Memphis District. “He sets an example that we can all emulate.”
During his first tour of duty he served as Area Engineer at the Corps’ Dahuk Office where he
was the Program Manager and Contracting Officer Representative responsible for the execution of the
USACE mission and program in northern Iraq.
“His efforts significantly and directly contributed to the construction of new schools, hospitals,
electrical power plants, water supply systems, military compounds, prisons and the renovation of
numerous public and military facilities,” according to the award citation.
During his second tour of duty he served as Generation Project Manager for the Gulf Region
Division Electricity Sector, Multi-National Force-Iraq. He was responsible for providing program and
project management services for $830 million worth of electricity projects. Through his efforts, the Iraqi
people were able to benefit from more hours of power provided by a more robust and functional
electrical grid, which in turn significantly improved the quality of their lives.
The de Fleury Medal is named for a French engineer Francois Louis Tesseidre de Fleury who
volunteered to serve with the American Army in its fight for independence from Britain during the
American Revolutionary War. The Continental Congress appointed de Fleury a captain of engineers,
and he quickly proved himself in the desperate battle at Stony Point, N.Y., in 1779. His courage under
fire won him the accolades of the U.S. Congress.
Release no. 07-10