MEMPHIS, Tenn., Feb. 25, 2004 – The Tennessee Center for Performance Excellence (TNCPE)
has selected the Memphis District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers as a winner of the 2003
Achievement Award, one of only eight businesses and organizations this year to earn the
advanced recognition. District Engineer Col. Jack V. Scherer accepted the award Feb. 23 in a
ceremony at Nashville’s Renaissance Hotel.
“This is a considerable achievement for an organization that has been working under the
Malcolm Baldridge Criteria for less than five years,” Scherer said. The Baldridge Criteria are
designed to help organizations enhance their competitiveness by focusing on two goals:
delivering ever-improving value to customers and improving overall organizational performance.
Achievement Level recognition, according to the TNCPE, is provided to Tennessee
organizations that have demonstrated, through their commitment and practice of quality
principles, significant progress in building sound and notable processes. Organizations
recognized at this advanced level clearly demonstrate results directly attributable to a systematic,
well-deployed approach.
Release no. 04-06