Employees from the Memphis District’s Caruthersville (Missouri) Area Office, our Project Operations Branch, and C&M Contractors, Inc., met on Dec. 13, 2019, to mark the substantial completion of Phase 1 of the Farrenburg Levee Renovation. The site is located north of New Madrid, Missouri, on St. Johns Bayou.
“The purpose of the project is to replace two culverts through the levee that have reached the end of their design lives, and raise sections of the levee to design elevation,” Eric White, project manager for the work explained.
The culverts are fitted with gates that prevent backwater flooding of protected areas during high water periods, then allow impounded water to escape when levels drop.
The St. Johns Levee and Drainage District is our local partner for this nearly $3 million project.
Area Engineer Daimon McNew said once the contractor finishes surfacing, grading, seed and mulch work, his office will conduct a final inspection before turning the new structures over to drainage district officials.