Partnership has long been a driving principle for the Memphis District as we strive to best serve our region and the nation. And we are always looking for new partners and ways to strengthen existing partnerships. One of the tools that provides a vehicle for partnerships is the Planning Assistance to States (PAS) program.
With this in mind, we recently launched a PAS project with the Memphis River Parks Partnership (MRPP) to help develop a comprehensive master plan for Martin Luther King, Jr. Riverside Park, located at 498 West Mallory. The project will identify improvements to the recreation areas to make the park more attractive to Memphis residents and visitors.
Our PAS team met with MRPP President Carol Coletta and Jamal Boddie on June 18 for a site visit at the park to discuss the scope of work for a Master Plan Study.
The PAS program is one of several lower-tier programs for which U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) does not have to pursue separate congressional approval. Through the PAS program (which requires a 50/50 partnership agreement), USACE can assist communities with comprehensive planning and technical assistance. Also, the non-federal partner can provide their share through work-in-kind contributions.
Representing the Memphis District on the site visit were Project Managers Milton Beverly (biologist) and Jacqueline Whitlock (civil engineer), Civil Design Section Chief Josh Giannini (civil engineer) and Jon Korneliussen (civil engineer), and Hydraulic Design Section Chief Robert Gambill (civil engineer).