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Relief wells rehabbed, MR&T efficacy ensured

Published July 19, 2022
IN THE PHOTO, Contractors work to rehabilitate existing relief wells in Crittenden County, Arkansas. To carry out relief well restoration, a contract for $741,423 was awarded to SYTE Corp., with a notice to proceed date of Sept. 22, 2021. The contract was administered by the Memphis District’s Wynne Area Office, and the project was declared substantially complete May 21, 2022. (Courtesy photo)

IN THE PHOTO, Contractors work to rehabilitate existing relief wells in Crittenden County, Arkansas. To carry out relief well restoration, a contract for $741,423 was awarded to SYTE Corp., with a notice to proceed date of Sept. 22, 2021. The contract was administered by the Memphis District’s Wynne Area Office, and the project was declared substantially complete May 21, 2022. (Courtesy photo)

IN THE PHOTO, Contractors work to rehabilitate existing relief wells in Crittenden County, Arkansas. To carry out relief well restoration, a contract for $741,423 was awarded to SYTE Corp., with a notice to proceed date of Sept. 22, 2021. The contract was administered by the Memphis District’s Wynne Area Office, and the project was declared substantially complete May 21, 2022. (Courtesy photo)

IN THE PHOTO, Contractors work to rehabilitate existing relief wells in Crittenden County, Arkansas. To carry out relief well restoration, a contract for $741,423 was awarded to SYTE Corp., with a notice to proceed date of Sept. 22, 2021. The contract was administered by the Memphis District’s Wynne Area Office, and the project was declared substantially complete May 21, 2022. (Courtesy photo)

A Memphis District Project Delivery Team recently completed work to rehabilitate 84 existing relief wells in Crittenden County, Arkansas.

“Relief wells significantly reduce the likelihood of a levee breach during high water events,” Project Manager Mark Mazzone said. “Projects like this maintain and rehabilitate relief wells, and directly impact relief well performance and levee protection.”

To carry out relief well restoration, a contract for $741,423 was awarded to SYTE Corp., with a notice to proceed date of Sept. 22, 2021. 

The contract was administered by the Memphis District’s Wynne Area Office, and the project was declared substantially complete May 21, 2022.

Many thanks to project sponsor, St. Francis Levee District of Arkansas, for their continued support during the execution of this important project.

Finally, the district congratulates the project delivery team for completing this project and ensuring the MR&T continues to operate as intended. Not only was this project completed efficiently, but it was done safety and within budget.

Great job team, and thank you for your exceptional efforts.