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Tag: relief wells
  • July

    Relief well installation project substantially complete

    A Memphis District Project Delivery Team recently completed work to construct 25 new relief wells in Scott County, Missouri. To execute the project, a contract for $1,630,303.15 was awarded to VuCon, LLC., in August 2018. The contract was administered by the Memphis District’s Caruthersville Area Office, and the job was declared substantially complete June 24, 2022.
  • June

    Substantial completion of Nash Relief Well Rehabilitation

    Congratulations to Memphis District project delivery team members for their recent work to rehabilitate 128 existing relief wells just south of Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
  • April

    Final levee system project on horizon as MVM completes preliminary projects

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District, in partnership with the Fulton County Board of Levee Commissioners (FCBLC), is nearing completion of two maintenance projects, the Island 8 Parcel 1 Relief Well Ditch Restoration Project and the Lake No. 9 Collector Ditch Erosion Repair Project, both located along the Mississippi River Mainline Levee south of Hickman, Kentucky. Completing these projects is essential, but what's even more important is what comes after. Once finished, the district will be that much closer to executing the last and final project needed to complete the entire levee system.
  • February

    Success: Two Projects: Trotters, Rena Lara seepage remediation

    The fifth and final ribbon-cutting ceremony, held on Jan. 20, celebrated two construction projects completed in Tunica County, Trotters, Mississippi, and Coahoma County, Rena Lara, Mississippi.