News Story Manager

Category: Civil Works
  • June

    Grand Prairie Widened Canal Project pre-final inspection

    Congratulations to the Memphis District Grand Prairie Widened Canal Project Delivery Team (PDT) for reaching their Pre-final Inspection milestone. On June 17, PDT members met on-site with contractor Southern Contracting to inspect construction work and develop a punch list of remaining items required to finish construction.
  • Memphis District Commander tours several project sites

    Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller had a busy day June 17 kicking off a summer full of visiting several of the district's project sites in our area of responsibility. Encompassing almost 25,000 square miles, the Memphis District is responsible for federal civil works projects in portions of six states - Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri and Tennessee.
  • Oldtown Seepage Remediation Project site showing

    Working remotely from their separate homes, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but in concert towards the same goal, the Oldtown Seepage Remediation Project Delivery Team (PDT) successfully reached their Site Showing milestone. The PDT held the project site showing on June 11 in Helena, Ark., which helped contract bidders familiarize themselves with the geographical area and work associated with the project.
  • May

    Pre-construction teleconference held to kick-off levee slide repairs

    Today, the Memphis District held a pre-construction teleconference with C&M Contractors, Inc. to kick-off levee slide repairs on the White River Backwater levee and along the Mississippi River levee. This teleconference discussed and issued the Notice-to-Proceed for levee slide repairs in Work Areas 1 and 2, both in Arkansas.