News Story Manager

Archive: August, 2013
  • August

    District accepting nominations for distinguished civilian employee

    Since 1927, Memphis District has been recognizing Civilian employees for their extraordinary performance. A portrait of each individual hangs in the Gallery of Distinguished Civilian Employees, located on the 5th floor of the Memphis District headquarters, to honor these role models who’ve made significant contributions to the Corps of Engineers.
  • A life well-lived ... Remembering Thomas George

    Thomas George packed a lot of life into his brief 56 years with us. The former Memphis District employee passed away April 5 doing one of the many things he loved – being close to the river. Thomas was Master of the Corps’ Dredge Potter based in the St. Louis District. He died in his sleep aboard the dredge which was at Ensley Engineer Yard in Memphis for maintenance work.
  • Keeping pace … my journey to the finish

    I had the honor of running in the 117th Boston Marathon this year. During my 26-mile, 385-yard race I had the pleasure of witnessing how incredible people can be as well as the displeasure of seeing how despicably low people are capable of becoming.
  • Mitchem brings wealth of Army legal experience

    Lt. Col. (Ret.) Suzy Mitchem is the new District Counsel. She comes to the Memphis following a distinguished career in war and in peace while serving in a succession of leadership positions at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels in the Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps.
  • New Labor Forum to Improve Work Life

    In the works for more than a year, a Labor-Management Forum Agreement between the International Federation of Professional and Technical Employees Local 259 and the Memphis District was signed July 9 at district headquarters.