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Tag: seepage
  • April

    Contract Award | Seepage Multiple Award Task Order Contract

    This project is a Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) for seepage projects throughout the Memphis District. Typical construction task orders may include seepage berm construction, relief well construction, and all associated tasks with each of these construction processes as designated in each contract. The work on each task order will consist of furnishing all plant, labor, and materials for the work to be performed.
  • September

    Big Island Seepage Remediation Project substantially complete

    Congratulations to the Memphis District for completing a seepage remediation construction project on July 16, 2022. This much-needed project reduced seepage along the St. Francis River levee. Seepage remediation berms help prevent water from passing under levees, which can later lead to sand boils and threaten the overall integrity of the flood protection system.
  • August

    $1.8M contract awarded, add’ l protection for agriculture, communities

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District recently awarded a construction contract for a Seepage Remediation Project in Coahoma County, Sherard, Mississippi. The project will be accomplished in partnership with the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee Board of Mississippi and will address four miles of the Yazoo-Delta Levee system’s System 21 – Segment 26.
  • December

    Groundbreaking, ribbon-cutting, to celebrate project start, completion

    The Memphis District held a ribbon-cutting ceremony and a groundbreaking ceremony on Nov. 17, 2021, to celebrate two critical construction projects in Tennessee and Kentucky. District Commander Col. Zachary Miller, district leadership, and the project delivery team members met with project partners in Ridgely, Tennessee, for a ribbon-cutting ceremony. The celebratory event was held to acknowledge the completion of an essential levee restoration and berm construction project. Immediately following the ceremony, district leadership and project team members traveled to the event site and met with the project partner in Hickman, Kentucky, for a groundbreaking.
  • April

    Memphis District celebrates New Madrid stormwater ditch replacement project with ribbon-cutting ceremony

    The Memphis District held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate a fully functioning stormwater ditch replacement project in the New Madrid, Missouri area, on Apr. 12, 2021. A $3.4 million contract was awarded for two work areas to Tarpan Construction LLC., on Aug. 29, 2019.
  • Big Island, Below Senath seepage remediation projects awarded

    The Memphis District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently awarded Task Orders to construct two seepage remediation projects in Arkansas and in Missouri.