News Story Manager

  • September

    Big Island Seepage Remediation Project substantially complete

    Congratulations to the Memphis District for completing a seepage remediation construction project on July 16, 2022. This much-needed project reduced seepage along the St. Francis River levee. Seepage remediation berms help prevent water from passing under levees, which can later lead to sand boils and threaten the overall integrity of the flood protection system.
  • Contract awarded, $6 million IIJA funds towards addt'l Miss River revetment repairs

    The Memphis District recently awarded a contract, Aug. 10,  to perform revetment stone repairs at Below Knowlton, near Crumrod, Arkansas, (River Mile 619).  Through this contract, the Corps will partner with Commercial Towing Interests, represented by the Lower Mississippi River Committee (LOMRC), to complete a $6,084,400 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)-funded project.
  • $11.8 million River Contract awarded, need for repetitive dredging decreased

    The Memphis District awarded a contract to perform dike construction and maintenance at Donaldson Point, near New Madrid, Missouri (River Mile 903),  Aug. 24, 2022.  The Corps is partnering with Commercial Towing Interests, represented by the Lower Mississippi River Committee (LOMRC), to execute this $11,809,760 funded project. “This work is needed in this reach of the river due to continued navigation concerns raised by towboat pilots during recent low water years," said Project Manager Zach Cook. "This area has also required repetitive dredging over the past few years as well.” The funds provided for the work are a combination of Disaster Relief Supplemental Act of 2022 (DRSAA) and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) money allocated by Congress earlier this year.
  • Memphis District’s first IIJA-funded project complete

    The Memphis District recently finished the first Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) funded construction project on the Mississippi River near Caruthersville, Missouri. The Corps partnered with the Lower Mississippi River Committee (LOMRC) and commercial towing industry to complete the $1.15 million revetment maintenance project at Little Cypress near Mississippi River Mile 863. “Work consisted of placing approximately 43 thousand tons of “Graded Stone C (400 pound maximum stone size)” to repair seven riverbank failures along an approximate 4-mile reach of the existing revetted riverbank,” Project Manager Zach Cook added. “Work started on August 13 and was completed in two weeks."
  • Teamwork protects land, “helps ensure Mississippi River does not try to change course”

    The Memphis District's Revetment Branch and Metals Units recently finalized a flapgate repair on what’s called the “Fritz Landing Culvert” in Lake County, Tennessee, in August 2022. Their hard work and collaboration will undoubtedly result in the extended protection of almost 7 thousand acres of land. Additionally, this project will contribute to decreasing the Mississippi River’s meandering ways, and thus safeguard many surrounding localities for many, many years to come.
  • August

    Memphis District Trailblazers

    The Memphis District is making history by doing one of the things it does best: taking care of people. It does this by making sure its employees are given opportunities, women, and men alike, to grow and flourish in their careers. Given Women’s Equality Day was Aug. 26, the Memphis District is celebrating this group of ‘firsts’ with the series, “Memphis District Trailblazers”. These notable women leading our district include Engineering and Construction Division Chief Elizabeth Burks, District Chief of Contracting Priscilla Sweeney, Readiness and Contingency Operations (RCO) / Emergency Management (EM) Chief Kandi Waller, District Counsel Suzy Weil, Operations Division Chief Andrea Williams, and Resource Management Division Chief Voncile Williams.
  • Lead Realty Specialist Joshua A. Neisen receives Level I Real Estate Contracting Officers Delegation of Authority

    Congratulations to Lead Realty Specialist Joshua A. Neisen as he receives his Level I Real Estate Contracting Officers Delegation of Authority. Delegating this authority, Real Estate Division Chief John T. Wilburn issued a memorandum stating, "I hereby delegate to Mr. Joshua Neisen, Lead Realty Specialist, Memphis District, Mississippi Valley Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Real Estate Contracting Officer authority within the limits established by this warrant and certificate of appointment to execute real estate contracts, deeds, and related documents to acquire, manage, out-grant, and dispose of real property and interests therein, including related personal property, for both military and civil works real property (under authorities granted to the Secretary of the Army by applicable sections of Title 10, Title 16, Title 30, Title 33, and Title 40, United States Code). This delegation serves as an interim measure to meet current mission requirements of the Memphis District Real Estate office until such time that the Real Estate office may be re-organized with branch chief positions to serve as Realty Officers." Additionally, the Real Estate Branch extended its appreciation to Mr. Donald Balch (MVD Chief of Real Estate) for his continued support to the Memphis District Real Estate Program.
  • $1.8M contract awarded, add’ l protection for agriculture, communities

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District recently awarded a construction contract for a Seepage Remediation Project in Coahoma County, Sherard, Mississippi. The project will be accomplished in partnership with the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Levee Board of Mississippi and will address four miles of the Yazoo-Delta Levee system’s System 21 – Segment 26.
  • July

    Congratulations, Danny Ward on your promotion!!

    Please join us in congratulating Mr. Danny Ward on his promotion to the role of Project Management Branch Chief! Danny’s career with the Corps began after working with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for a year, and after graduating with a Master of Science degree from Arkansas State University. And while his career with the Corps began more than 20 years ago, Danny’s interest in the field is something that’s been present for as long as he can remember.  “I have been fascinated with all things water my entire life,” he said. “I naturally gravitated to pursuing an education and a career that would bring me close to water.”
  • Relief wells rehabbed, MR&T efficacy ensured

    A Memphis District Project Delivery Team recently completed work to rehabilitate 84 existing relief wells in Crittenden County, Arkansas. “Relief wells significantly reduce the likelihood of a levee breach during high water events,” Project Manager Mark Mazzone said. “Projects like this maintain and rehabilitate relief wells, and directly impact relief well performance and levee protection.”
  • Relief well installation project substantially complete

    A Memphis District Project Delivery Team recently completed work to construct 25 new relief wells in Scott County, Missouri. To execute the project, a contract for $1,630,303.15 was awarded to VuCon, LLC., in August 2018. The contract was administered by the Memphis District’s Caruthersville Area Office, and the job was declared substantially complete June 24, 2022.
  • A look back: Don Davenport’s 40 years of Service

    After 40 years of federal service working as an engineer with the Memphis District, Mr. Don Davenport is trying out another way of life: retirement. Congratulations to Mr. Davenport on concluding an extraordinary career – one with too many milestones to name, and several friendships made that are sure to last a lifetime.
  • June

    Keeping the river open for business, dredging contract awarded

    The Memphis District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for keeping the Mississippi River open for commercial navigation year-round. One way the district does this is through contract dredging, which keeps the river channel at a depth that allows the river barge industry to dependably transport goods up and down the river. Ensuring the district delivers on this charge, the Memphis District recently awarded a contract in the amount of $7,335,450 to Great Lakes Dredge and Dock, LLC for the rental of a 24-inch hydraulic cutterhead dredge, discharge pipe, and attendant plant. The contract was awarded June 2, 2022, with an anticipated completion date of Feb. 28, 2023.
  • ACM casting project complete, revetment prepared for season ahead

    “The project is designed to supply the current Mat Sinking Unit with Articulated Concrete Mattress (ACM) to use for revetment to maintain a safe and reliable navigation channel for commercial towboats in the Mississippi River,” Project Manager Zach Cook said. “If the project were not completed, there could be failures or cutoffs on the Mississippi River banks.” Cook is describing the recently completed project named “Richardson Landing Articulated Concrete Mattress Casting – Mississippi River Channel Improvement Project” located at Richardson Landing, near Drummonds, Tennessee, Mississippi River Mile 769.
  • Memphis District farewells commander, Miller family

    The Memphis District officially said farewell to Commander Col. Zachary Miller during a Relinquishment of Command Ceremony yesterday, June 16, 2022. At 10 a.m. on Thursday, June 16, several district employees travelled to Beale Street Landing in downtown Memphis. Mississippi Valley Division Commander Maj. Gen. Diana Holland presided over a Relinquishment of Command Ceremony, where District Commander Col. Zachary Miller relinquished command of the Memphis District to Deputy District Commander Lt. Col. Robert Green. Lt. Col. Green will command the district until he transfers command to Col. Brian D. Sawser in an Assumption of Command Ceremony scheduled for late July.
  • Army Dive Team restores vital district asset

    “The highest risk and resource-intensive Mission Essential Task (MET) we collectively train on is port opening and harbor clearance,” 511th Engineer Dive Detachment Commander Cpt. Olivia Schretzman said. “If we do not provide accurate infrastructure assessments, open ports, repair bridge sections, or clear obstacles in inland waterways, we negatively impact all sustainment and maneuver operations. It is a no-fail mission.” Schretzman commands the 511th Engineer Dive Detachment, a 25-Soldier team that deploys worldwide, performing complex and dangerous engineer tasks at depths of up to 190 feet. Schretzman explained that simulating a damaged bridge is a difficult task, so when the Memphis District reached out for assistance, both parties would benefit from the job. “The Ensley Engineer Yard had a partially sunken bridge that needed repairs, and we needed high-intensity port opening training,” Schretzman said. “This operation became known as Operation Mississippi Freedom.”
  • Employee Spotlight: Work for Others Technical Manager Jordan Bledsoe

    “My grandfather had always said, ‘Get a job with the Corps’. That wasn’t always the goal, but funny to see how it worked out,” Jordan Bledsoe said. Bledsoe’s grandfather knew what he was talking about too, because he “actually built some of the levees in the St. Francis Basin, ultimately leading to the Huxtable Pumping Station.” Jordan Bledsoe didn’t know it at the time, but his grandfather had planted the seed that would eventually lead to his becoming the Engineering and Construction’s Work for Others (WFO) Technical Manager that he is today.
  • May

    Carpenter Crowther promoted to Project Management Branch Project Manager Supervisor

    Congratulations to Ms. Andrea Carpenter Crowther on her promotion to the Project Manager Supervisor position (Planning Team) in the Project Management Branch. 
  • NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Memphis Metropolitan Stormwater - North Desoto County, Mississippi

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) will host a public meeting to inform the public and to solicit comments regarding the release of the revised draft Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Impact Statement (DIFR-EIS) for the Memphis Metropolitan Stormwater-North DeSoto County Feasibility Study, DeSoto County, Mississippi. The study area lies in the Horn Lake Creek-Nonconnah and Coldwater River basins in DeSoto County, Mississippi.
  • Castle Cookers serve up fellowship, camaraderie with BBQ at Memphis in May

    The Memphis District has been competing in this barbeque contest for years, with the Castle Cookers first participating in the WCBCC in 1991 as the Pork Barrel Barbecuers. This year made year 31, with the team for the Memphis District Corps of Engineers comprising of workers from all parts of the district. “We’re a ‘for us by us’ team, which plans, fundraises, cooks, serves, and competes in the Memphis in May (MIM) event every year,” Outreach Coordinator Brian Schneider explained.