News Story Manager

  • April

    Rescue revetment task order awarded

    The Memphis District recently awarded a task order to restore existing revetment and repair over-steepened banks along the Mississippi River in Coahoma County, Mississippi, and Phillips County, Arkansas. A total of $1,344,000 was awarded on the current River Repairs IDIQ (Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity) Contract to Midwest Construction Company.
  • Memphis District celebrates New Madrid stormwater ditch replacement project with ribbon-cutting ceremony

    The Memphis District held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate a fully functioning stormwater ditch replacement project in the New Madrid, Missouri area, on Apr. 12, 2021. A $3.4 million contract was awarded for two work areas to Tarpan Construction LLC., on Aug. 29, 2019.
  • Final levee system project on horizon as MVM completes preliminary projects

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District, in partnership with the Fulton County Board of Levee Commissioners (FCBLC), is nearing completion of two maintenance projects, the Island 8 Parcel 1 Relief Well Ditch Restoration Project and the Lake No. 9 Collector Ditch Erosion Repair Project, both located along the Mississippi River Mainline Levee south of Hickman, Kentucky. Completing these projects is essential, but what's even more important is what comes after. Once finished, the district will be that much closer to executing the last and final project needed to complete the entire levee system.
  • A look back: Woods’ 40 years of service

    "He is very honest, punctual, and works to improve his skills," Supply Technician Matthew Davis said. "He has a real caring spirit. He took me under his wing when I was new, made sure I had lunch, and even drove me home a couple of times when my car had broken down. He is an all-around good guy, and I will miss him if he ever leaves." Davis is talking about Heavy Mobile Equipment Mechanic Leader Robert Woods. Woods is the working leaderman in the Tractor Shop, performing duties as a mechanic and overseeing all other mechanics in the Yards and Docks Unit. He's been doing so for a little more than 40 years now.
  • A Captain's role in an ACF build-out

    Editors Note: April 6, 2020 was the day the Memphis District awarded the contract to build an Alternate Care Facility (ACF) in Memphis, Tennessee. The article below was written by Cpt. Alex Burruss, who at that time deployed to the Memphis District to work as an Operations Officer and assist with ACF projects and operations. This is his account of what happened during his few months working here. At the onset of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the U.S.  Army Corps of Engineers. USACE collaborated with the Federal Emergency Management Agency to develop a plan for the rapid expansion of COVID-19 treatment spaces. USACE assigned each of its districts an area of responsibility, and the districts integrated into the local and state response agencies within their areas of responsibility. As local civil authorities conducted analysis and projected bed space requirements, USACE developed facility modification options for accommodating additional beds. Districts completed site assessments and provided project management support for converting existing buildings into alternate care facilities (ACFs).  In April 2020, three weeks after the President declared a national emergency, the U.S. Army Engineer School (USAES), Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, deployed more than 30 Soldiers in support of the USACE response effort; Cpt. Alex W. Burruss was deployed to the Memphis District, USACE Mississippi Valley Division, Tennessee, for more than 60 days.
  • March

    Celebrating the valiant women of USACE

    "I can do anything I want to do," young Suzy Weil, now Memphis District counsel and senior legal officer said. “Now, looking back,” she said, "I never questioned that I could one day could grow up and do whatever I wanted to do. I can remember one of my father's law partners and best friend and his wife who was an attorney… and I can remember this woman who would come to my house. I would call her aunt Sherry. I just never thought it was something I could never do – becoming a lawyer." This is just one of many responses heard during the virtual meeting the Memphis District held in celebration of Women's History Month. The meeting, held on Mar. 24, 2021, featured seven of the Mississippi Valley Division's most exceptional women working for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). During the meeting, with a theme aptly titled "Valiant Women of the Vote: Refusing to be Silenced!", Memphis District Counsel and Senior Legal Officer Suzy Weil acted as both moderator and participant in a captivating one and half hour Question and Answer session.
  • Revolutionizing project management

    Memphis District employees pride themselves on finding ways to revolutionize how they work. One of the more recent ways they've modernized processes comes in the form of the new Smart Project Updates Dashboard, also affectionately known as SPUD.
  • USACE Division Deputies visit Memphis for Summit, Engineer Yard tour

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Division Deputies recently met in Memphis, Tennessee, for a Deputies Summit and tour of the Memphis District area. "The USACE HQ Deputy Summit enables the MSC/Centers/Labs and 249th Engineer Battalion (Prime Power) Deputies to share lessons learned, best practices and engage key HQs staff on Enterprise challenges, policies, and processes in order to Take Care of our People, Support National Readiness, Modernize, Strengthen Partnerships, and Revolutionize Delivery," Mississippi Valley Division Deputy Division Engineer Col. Jeremy Chapman said.
  • Project Makeover: Tractor Shop Breakroom

    The Memphis District's skilled tradesmen are at it again, demoing and remodeling one building at a time until they've covered every structure in need of a makeover at Ensley Engineer Yard. Recently, a team of mechanics, electricians, carpenters, pipefitters, HVAC technicians, and revetment workers all got together to completely renovate the Tractor Shop’s breakroom, literally from the ground up.
  • Employee Spotlight: Carla Wells

    In any business, it’s the people that make it work. Without them, organizations ultimately fail. That’s why the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District values each and every one of its employees so much. To show how much we do, we highlight one employee every month by asking a few questions about the position they’re in and how they got to where they are today. This month, we are highlighting Carla Wells. She is a government purchase card business manager for the Contracting/Oversight Branch.
  • Revetment Team returns after historic season

    The Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Army (Civil Works) Vance Stewart and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations Maj. Gen. William (Butch) Graham visited the Memphis District last week. While visiting, they had the opportunity to welcome home and congratulate the Revetment Team after completing one of the district's longest seasons in history.
  • St. Francis Levee District awarded Outstanding Maintenance Award

    U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations, Maj. Gen. William (Butch) Graham and the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Army (Civil Works), Vance Stewart, stopped in West Memphis, Arkansas, where they were briefed by our St. Francis Levee District of Arkansas Partner Rob Rash, Memphis District Project Manager Jason Dickard, and Geotechnical Branch Chief Cory Williams on the Mississippi River Levee system.
  • 2021 Channel Improvement Team Meeting a success

    In a virtual get-together held mid-February, members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Engineering and Construction Department, operations leaders from the Memphis, Vicksburg, and New Orleans Districts, project managers, regional team members, environmental partners, and other representatives from the St. Louis District, all came together for their annual Mississippi River Channel Improvement meeting to discuss environmental projects and other current channel improvement issues.
  • Maj. Gen. Graham visits notable Memphis District Grand Prairie Project

    Memphis District Commander Col. Zachary Miller and other district leaders hosted the Senior Official Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Army (Civil Works), Mr. Vance Stewart, and USACE's Deputy Commanding General for Civil and Emergency Operations, Maj. Gen. William (Butch) H. Graham, on March 11, 2021. During his tour, Graham stopped by the Grand Prairie Project to learn more about conserving groundwater resources throughout the region.
  • White River Backwater Levee Gravel Resurfacing a success

    Imagine it’s pouring rain for days on end, and you live near the Mississippi River. Not a far-fetched idea for many. With rain comes rising river waters and possible flooding. To prepare for such events, monitoring the river is essential but much harder to do if the levee surface isn’t safe for travel. That’s why projects like this one are important to the people living near and around the White River Backwater Levee.
  • Associated General Contractors of America Event a success

    The Mississippi Valley Associated General Contractors of America (MVAGC) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mississippi Valley Division (MVD) met for an event known as the Mississippi Valley Construction Roundtable, which was held in downtown Memphis, Tennessee, this year on Feb. 18 and 19. “The meeting between the Mississippi Valley Branch of the AGC and Mississippi Valley Division of the Corps of Engineers offers an opportunity for staff from the division headquarters and six districts to interact with our contracting partners who help us deliver our program,” Construction Branch Chief Jim Wolff said. “Through two key meetings (the Dredging Issues Roundtable and the Construction Specifications Session Roundtable), open communication, and frank discussion, we identify issues or problems related to dredging, construction, and contracting. These meetings offer member contractors an open forum to develop potential solutions to solve issues or problems.”
  • Ready to Advertise St. Francis Floodway Project

    In partnership with the Dunklin County Levee District Number 4, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District recently met a tasker “ready to advertise” milestone, ahead of schedule, for the St. Francis Floodway Blockage Project in Cardwell, Missouri, Feb. 17, 2021. As a result of the storms and resulting flood impact in this region, sedimentation and debris built up in drainage channels reduce the capacity to drain stormwater runoff adequately. The work associated with this project will increase the channel's capacity and reduce the chances of localized flooding, threatening property damage, and life safety.
  • February

    West Basin Scour Repairs Phase 3 Construction Project complete

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District successfully completed a construction project in partnership with the Little River Drainage District in Bollinger County, Missouri. The West Basin Scour Repairs Phase 3 Construction contract was awarded to SYTE Corporation for $4,613,864 to repair multiple bank scours along four miles of the Castor River Diversion Channel.
  • Eight Mile Creek Levee Culvert Replacement Project Ready to Advertise

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Memphis District recently met a tasker milestone known as “Ready to Advertise” for the Eight Mile Creek Levee Culvert Replacement Project in Greene County, Arkansas, Feb. 5, 2021.
  • A look back: Newton’s 33 years of service

    Supervisory Budget Analyst Marcia Newton retired late last year after serving almost 33 years of federal service. To celebrate and recognize her for all she's done, we look back at her life and career. "I grew up in Indiana -- a few years in Wolcottville, but most years were in Marion," Newton started. "I went to Marion High School and then Marion College (now called Indiana Wesleyan University) in Marion, Indiana." Newton started her federal service in April of 1988, working as a voucher examiner and lead voucher examiner in Fulda, West Germany.